martes, 19 de mayo de 2020

Weston City: Newsday Tuesday | 05/19/2020

May 19, 2020
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(Re)Open for Business
Phase I Eases Us into the New Weston Way
The next step with the Phase I reopening of restaurants, retail, personal services, community room and fitness centers located within housing developments, swimming pools located within associations, private clubs or housing developments, and museums took effect on Monday, May 18. We encourage our community to follow all guidelines for us to continue through the phased reopening process. Working together we can all establish a New Weston Way so that we can safely resume a new sense of normalcy. Click below for guidelines to follow and frequently asked questions.
How to Prepare for Reopening
Cleaning and Disinfecting Guidelines
As reopening guidelines start to take effect, we must practice physical distancing and other daily habits to reduce our risk of exposure to the virus. To keep our community safe, the Center for Disease Control issued a three-step guideline to cleaning and disinfecting public spaces, workplaces, businesses, schools, and homes. 
Reminder to not forget to complete the Census
It's Not Too Late to Be Counted
Complete Your Census Today
As you practice social distancing, remember to add the census to your to-do list. It is critical to fill out the census to provide necessary funding for the next 10 years. The census self-response rate of the City of Weston is 71.9 %, but we lag behind Parkland and Cooper City. We can do better!

Help us ensure that 100% of Weston is counted by filling out the census online, over the phone, or the paper form.
Virtual Posture and Alignment Lessons
Although the Community Center is closed, virtual classes are available. The Posture and Alignment classes for adults and teens teaches tips for daily activities to improve posture, promote proper alignment, and balance muscles to reduce or eliminate pain. This virtual exercise class, modified for different levels, is available online on Sundays from 10:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. and Wednesdays from 6 p.m. until 7 p.m. One class per week is $7 and two classes per week are $10. Don’t miss out. 
Hurricane Season
Hurricane Watch v. Warning: Don't Panic! Know the Difference
What to expect when you’re expecting -- a hurricane that is. It's important to be familiar with the different stages of storm preparation, which includes hurricane watches and warnings. But what is the difference? Click to find out more.
Help Save a Life
National Stop the Bleed Day
Learning how to stop life threatening bleeding can help save lives. A person can die in as little as five minutes if nothing is done to stop life threatening bleeding. That’s why the City supports efforts to include bleeding control kits in Weston government and public facilities, schools, as well as many businesses. Our efforts also include educational opportunities for the public to learn about the tools contained in the bleeding control kits, how to use them, and to perform lifesaving bleeding control skills. These efforts better prepare the public to serve as immediate responders if the need should arise. Although in-person classes are temporarily suspended, we encourage you to review the video on the tools in the bleeding control kit and how to use them.
In Memory of Our Heroes
Memorial Day Holiday Observance
Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday in May to commemorate the men and women who died in service to our country. City Administrative offices will be closed in observance of Memorial Day on Monday, May 25. Garbage collection will follow the regular schedule and City passive parks are open for your enjoyment.
May is National Bike Month and COW is providing Bike Safety Tips
Let's Roll with Bike Safety Tips
May is National Bike Month and for the entire month, we will be posting weekly bike safety tips on our social media that you and your family can follow to make sure you’re safe as you travel around Weston. If you are out on your bike, look ahead for hazards or situations to avoid that may cause you to fall, like toys, pebbles, potholes, or grates. Consider traveling with a mini tool kit. If your trek is more than 10 minutes or down a lonely stretch of road, be prepared.

Follow Us!
Water Safety: Check the Pool First
Children are curious and can slip out of sight from adult supervision. If a child is missing, check the pool first. The more barriers you have in place, such as, door alarms and pool latches around the pool can help keep your child safe. And, please remember to remove any toys from the pool when you are finished swimming for the day.

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