miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2022

Cuando hay escasez de leche de fórmula para bebés hay abundancia de estafadores


Evite las estafas que venden leche de formula para bebes en internet. ReporteFraude.ftc.gov
Los estafadores que se están aprovechando de la alta demanda de leche de fórmula para bebés, han caído a un nuevo nivel de bajeza. Están proliferando en internet y engañando a las madres, padres y cuidadores desesperados para que paguen precios elevados a cambio de leche de fórmula que nunca llega.
Los estafadores pueden establecer sitios web falsos o falsos perfiles en las plataformas de medios sociales con imágenes y logotipos de productos de marcas reconocidas de leche de fórmula para bebé, todo con la intención de hacerte creer que estás comprando en los sitios web oficiales de las compañías.
Antes de hacer un pedido en una tienda en línea desconocida, sigue estas recomendaciones que te ayudarán a evitar una estafa:

Verifica la compañía o producto ingresando su nombre en un motor de búsqueda junto con términos como “review”, “complaint” o “scam”, si haces la búsqueda en español, reemplaza esas palabras con “comentario”, “queja” o “estafa”. Fíjate en la opinión de otras personas.
Considere como paga. Las tarjetas de crédito a menudo te brindan las protecciones más fuertes, así que a veces puedes recuperar tu dinero si ordenaste algo, pero no lo recibiste. Cualquiera que exije un pago con una tarjeta de regalo, transferencia de dinero, o criptomoneda es un estafador.
Conoce tus derechos. Cuando compras algo en línea, se presupone que los vendedores tienen que entregarte tu orden de pedido dentro del plazo que establecen en sus anuncios, y si en sus anuncios no especifican ninguna fecha, entonces tienen que entregarte tu pedido dentro de los 30 días. Si un vendedor no puede entregarte tu pedido dentro del plazo prometido, tiene que ofrecerte una fecha de entrega modificada junto con la oportunidad de cancelar tu pedido a cambio de un reembolso total o de aceptar la nueva fecha de entrega.
Busca recursos locales. Llama al pediatra del bebé para averiguar si tiene leche de fórmula en stock. Los pediatras suelen recibir muestras de distintas fórmulas y tal vez pueda ayudarte. Si eres participante en el programa de asistencia en nutrición llamado WIC (Women, Infants and Children)comunícate con tu oficina local para averiguar si tienen leche de fórmula.
Si sospechas una estafa, cuéntanoslo en ReporteFraude.ftc.gov. Tus reportes ayudan a la FTC y a nuestros colegas a cargo del cumplimiento de la ley a detener el accionar de los estafadores.

Infórmese y prepárese para emergencias con la NASA, FEMA y USAGov


USAGov en Español Logo
El clima puede cambiar en cuestión de minutos. Aprende qué debes hacer cuando tu ciudad se ve afectada por una emergencia provocada por uno de los más comunes #DesastresDeVerano. 19 de mayo a la 1pm ET

Aprenda y prepárese para los desastres de verano

USAGov en Español, el sitio web oficial del Gobierno de Estados Unidos en español, le invita a unirse a la charla en redes sociales sobre #DesastresDeVerano, el jueves 19 de mayo a la 1PM, hora del este.

Este evento, organizado por USAGov en Español, Administración Nacional de Aeronáutica y el Espacio (NASA) y la Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias (FEMA, por su sigla en inglés), contará con la participación de estas y otras agencias del Gobierno.

Durante la charla virtual, expertos en el tema estarán disponibles para contestar sus preguntas sobre cómo prepararse para la temporada de huracanes e incendios forestales, cómo se producen estos desastres naturales y mucho más. 

martes, 17 de mayo de 2022

Two Hundred Global Financial Solutions - 200GFS -


City of Weston, Newsday Tuesday | eNewsletter | 05/17/2022

May 17, 2022
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Next Regular City Commission Meeting: Monday, June 6, 2022
Hurricane Season Overview
June 1 - November 30
Hurricane season is right around the corner and preparation is key. As the storm season begins June 1, now is the perfect time to make a communication plan, take inventory of disaster supplies, check your insurance, and strengthen your home. Visit our website for information on how to prepare your home and family for any stage of a hurricane’s impact – before, during or after the storm. 

If you are planning to purchase supplies for the upcoming season, the State of Florida has authorized a sales tax holiday for disaster preparedness supplies from May 28 through June 10. 
The Weston Alliance for Youth Town Hall
For Teens and Their Parents
Teens and their families are invited to attend and participate in the discussion at the upcoming Town Hall meeting hosted by the Weston Alliance for Youth, also known as The WAY. The meeting will be held on Thursday, May 19, 5 to 8 p.m. at the Weston Community Center.

High school students can earn community service hours for their active participation in the discussion that evening. Be sure to register to save your spot. Click below for details and to access the registration link.
Water from faucet
Temporary Switch to Free Chlorine Disinfection in Water Treatment System
Monday, May 23 - Monday, June 20, 2022
From May 23 through June 20, 2022, the Sunrise Utility Department, which provides water to the City of Weston, will temporarily switch from monochloramine to free chlorine disinfection in its drinking water treatment system in its Sawgrass Public Water System. This procedure does not cause any adverse health effects. However, some individuals may notice a slight change in the taste, odor or color of the water during this time.  
A picture of the a cut out of a head with the words Mental Health. The words Make Yourself a priority are on the left of the image. This image is created for the Context of the Coronavirus outbreak.
Mental Health Awareness Month
Mental health is an incredibly important part of our overall health. With a growing number of Americans experiencing mental health symptoms, we need to join together to #RecTheStigma and it starts with knowledge.

Familiarize yourself with the local resources available to you at our Mental Health Awareness Month resource page. Help is just a phone call away and knowing how to access care is the first step towards confronting your personal mental health challenges.

Throughout the month we are all challenged to #RecTheStigma by discovering the benefits of getting outdoors to enjoy our parks.
Police & EMS Week
Since 1962, the United States has recognized May 15 as Peace Officers Memorial Day and the week that it falls on as Police Week. It will also sometimes fall (like this year) on the same week honoring another group of heroes, Emergency Medical Service workers. We’re fortunate to have some of the best and most talented Police and EMS workers in all of Florida right here in Weston. We know you’ll join us in thanking them both for all they do to keep our community safe and strong.
Public Works Week
Rain or shine, day or night, we know our Public Works team is ready to respond to any infrastructure issues that may arise in the City of Weston. That’s why the theme of this year’s American Public Works Association Public Works Week is “Ready and Resilient.” With hurricane season just around the corner, we’re confident our Public Works team is doing everything they can to keep Weston ready and resilient to continue operations through any sort of disruption of services.
Hurricane Preparedness Event
Thursday, June 2 | 6 p.m.
Are you #WestonReady for the upcoming hurricane season? If you need to brush up on your preparedness skills or if you are new to the area and want to learn how to prepare your home and family for the hurricane season (which runs from June 1 through November 30), plan to attend the 2022 Hurricane Preparedness event on Thursday, June 2 at 6 p.m. at the Community Center. Registration is free and open to the public. 
Weston Warriors Tackle Football and Cheer
Registration Open for 2022 Season
Registration is now open for the 2022 season for the Weston Warriors Tackle Football and Cheer Program. The program is focused on developing character and confidence in children and teens through competition in youth football and cheerleading.

Football is open to ages 5 to 14 years-old, and the Cheer Program is open to ages 4 to 16 years-old. Although games begin in August, conditioning practices have already started, so don’t wait to register! Team practices begin in June and the season runs through November. 
Broward County Business Resiliency Workshop
Is your business ready to weather a storm, flooding or other natural disaster? If not, the time to get ready is NOW. Broward County is hosting a free preparedness event for local business owners at the Main Library (100 S. Andrews Avenue) on Monday, May 23 from 2 to 4 p.m. You’ll get all the resources you need to develop successful plans for business continuity and resilience in times of crisis.
Broward County
Sea Turtles and Their Babies - Registration Open
Broward County invites you and your family to a one-hour presentation and lecture at the Anne Kolb Nature Center featuring all about sea turtles in South Florida -- from breeding and nesting, identification of crawls and nests, conservation efforts, past exploitation, current management, and problems facing sea turtles today. Right after the presentation, there will be a release of hatchlings (if available).

The popular program, recommended for ages six and over, is held every Wednesday and Friday evenings, beginning Friday, July 6 through Wednesday, August 31. Each program session is limited to 50 people. Click below to learn more about available dates, fees, and recommendations. 
New Affordable Connectivity Program Brings Internet to Underserved Homes
Under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the U.S. government created the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) which provides eligible households $30 off per month on their internet bill. The government has also partnered with 20 leading internet providers to offer ACP-eligible households a high-speed internet plan for no more than $30 per month. Eligible families who pair ACP benefits with one of the internet plans can receive high-speed internet at no cost. Click below to learn if you qualify and how to sign up for the Affordable Connectivity Program.