lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2022

Evite estafas durante el periodo de inscripción abierta de Medicare


Si usted o uno de sus seres queridos tiene Medicare, probablemente sepa que la inscripción abierta finaliza el 7 de diciembre. Y probablemente esté revisando y comparando diferentes opciones para seleccionar el plan adecuado para usted. Pero mientras compara precios, sepa que los estafadores pueden aprovechar este período para hacerse pasar por agentes de Medicare.

Los estafadores pueden sonar profesionales, decir que son de Medicare y tener sus datos personales. Pero en realidad, están tratando de robar su dinero, su información de Medicare o su identidad. Aquí le mostramos cómo detectar posibles estafas y qué hacer:

No se confíe del nombre que aparece en su teléfono. Los estafadores pueden falsificar un identificador de llamadas.

Cuelgue si alguien llama y le pide su información de Medicare, Seguro Social o banco o tarjeta de crédito. Los empleados legítimos de Medicare tienen su número de Medicare archivado.

No se apresure a tomar una decisión. Tiene hasta el 7 de diciembre para inscribirse y Medicare no ofrece beneficios adicionales por inscribirse antes de tiempo.

Ignore si le amenazan con quitarle sus beneficios. Si califica, no se le pueden quitar sus beneficios por no inscribirse en un plan.

No hable con nadie que sugiera que Medicare prefiere su plan. La verdad es que Medicare no respalda un plan específico.

Obtenga ayuda para lidiar con el fraude y el abuso de Medicare en

Visite Eldercare Locator o llame gratis al 1-800-677-1116 para encontrar recursos locales que puedan brindarle más información sobre los diferentes planes de Medicare disponibles.

Para denunciar a alguien que pretende estar afiliado a Medicare y otras estafas de Medicare, llame al 1-800-MEDICARE (800-633-4227) e informe a la FTC en

Hurricane Watch

 2h ago

Hurricane Watch

A Hurricane Watch means hurricane-force winds are possible somewhere within this area within the next 48 hours
- Miramar
- Pembroke Pines
- Plantation
- Lauderdale Lakes
- Sunrise
- Tamarac
- Coral Springs
- Coconut Creek

* WIND - Latest Local Forecast: Below tropical storm force wind - Threat to Life and Property: Potential for wind 74 to 110 mph - Potential Impacts: Extensive * STORM SURGE - Threat to Life and Property: Little to no storm surge flooding - Potential Impacts: Little to None * FLOODING RAIN - Latest Local Forecast: Peak Rainfall Amounts: Additional 2-4 inches, with locally higher amounts - Threat to Life and Property: Potential for moderate flooding rain - Potential Impacts: Significant * TORNADO - Latest Local Forecast: Situation is unfavorable for tornadoes - Threat to Life and Property: Tornadoes not expected - Potential Impacts: Little to None
* For More Information:

lunes, 31 de octubre de 2022

¿Conoce el origen de Halloween? 🎃


USAGov en Español Logo
Familia con disfraces y calabazas celebrando Halloween

Lo que usted no sabía sobre Halloween

Halloween se celebra en los Estados Unidos la noche del 31 de octubre, uno de los eventos favoritos de los niños, que se disfrazan y salen a recorrer el vecindario para pedir dulces en las casas gritando "trick o treat". Pero ¿de dónde nacen las tradiciones de la noche de brujas?

Algunos datos interesantes:

El nombre "Halloween" viene de "All Hallows Eve" o víspera del Día de Todos los Santos.
Su celebración se originó en Europa, producto de la cristianización de una fiesta de origen celta llamada Samhain.
Según la tradición, los muertos podían volver a la vida durante esa noche y la gente intentaba ahuyentar a los espíritus malignos usando máscaras y disfraces de monstruos, fantasmas y demonios.
Durante el siglo XIX los inmigrantes trajeron esta tradición a Norteamérica y hoy en día las personas continúan la tradición de disfrazarse de monstruos o fantasmas, sin embargo, también se visten como princesas y superhéroes.
Descubra más datos curiosos sobre Halloween

viernes, 28 de octubre de 2022

Sepa reconocer señales de violencia doméstica

USAGov en Español Logo

Reconozca la violencia doméstica

Sombra de una persona agachada en el piso y otra con un puño representando violencia domésticadomestic violence person

La violencia doméstica es un tipo de abuso con el que una persona mantiene el poder y el control sobre su pareja. Puede incluir agresión física, abuso emocional y verbal, pero también se puede manifestar de otras formas. Cada año, la violencia doméstica afecta a millones de personas en Estados Unidos.

Reconozca las señales que podrían indicar que usted o un ser querido experimentan violencia doméstica con la información en español de la Oficina para la Salud de la Mujer (OASH).

martes, 25 de octubre de 2022

City of Weston

October 25, 2022
Next Regular City Commission Meeting: Monday, November 21, 2022
Denise Barrett with the Weston City Commission
Celebrating 25 Years in Weston
Denise Barrett-Miller
Weston just celebrated its 25th anniversary of incorporation in 2021, and at the last Commission Meeting our Director of Communications, Denise Barrett-Miller, was honored for her 25 years of service to the City. Denise was one of the first staff members hired by former City Manager, John Flint. She has developed the City’s Communications Department from a staff member tasked to put together outreach communications to an entire Department focused on how to best reach Weston’s residents with news and information. During her tenure, the way we communicate has changed, and Denise’s strategies have kept up with the evolution of communication towards digital media, allowing Weston to reach our audience in a variety of ways.
She informally holds the title of Dean Barrett, as she along with Mr. Flint, developed the City’s well-loved high school civic engagement program, Weston University, in 2002. In addition to all of the Communications projects her department is involved in, Denise has overseen the school crossing guards contract each school year and has served on countless procurement committees. Her imprint can be seen throughout the city far beyond the scope of communications, as her keen eye for interior design has lent her to be the one to select finishings and furnishings in city facilities, signage styles, and so much more. 

Thank you, Denise Barrett-Miller, for your distinguished and dedicated service to Weston. 
Halloween Safety for Kids and Adults
Halloween is Monday, October 31
Kids are eager and ready to go collect candy and show off their costumes on Halloween night, but dangers also lurk. Prepare now to help ensure your child’s safety. Planning ahead makes a big difference as there are choices you can make in costume selections that can prevent tripping and sight hazards. Purchase glow sticks for kids to carry with them so they are visible to drivers, and plan who children will walk with when they go out. Weston Fire Chief Todd Draizin goes over these topics and more, while Crime Prevention Specialist, Deputy Danielle Quinones gives tips on how to make your Halloween a safe one.  
Halloween Safety for Our Pets
We want Halloween to be fun and safe for everyone and that includes our extended (furry) family members. As festivities heat up, the City of Weston and Broward County Animal Care offer six important safety tips to make this Halloween a safe one for your feline and canine family friends. 
Bulk Trash Pickup This Week
October 26 - 29
Have you cleaned out your garage and closets yet? Another Quarterly Residential Bulk Pickup is this week and the perfect time to dispose of unwanted/un-useable items. All single-family homes and multi-family units with curbside collection will receive service on their regular garbage collection day, Wednesday, Oct. 26 through Friday Oct. 28. Multi-family units with dumpsters will receive service on Saturday Oct. 29. Be sure to place your items out by 7 a.m. on your collection day.   

Think before you throw... Items in good condition are well received by charities in need and stay out of the landfill.    
Early Voting is Now Open
Election Day is November 8!
Election season has arrived! Are you ready to vote in the General Election on November 8? You will be voting for representation at the federal, state, and local level – including Weston Commission seats, in addition to amendments to the State’s Constitution and a Broward County Charter question. Early voting opened this week, so registered voters can stop by any Early Voting location throughout Broward County through November 6 to vote. Locations are open daily 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. 

For more details on the General Election and how to exercise your right to vote, including access to download a sample ballot, click below. 
Weston Way Community Chat October 2022
Community Chat for Parents & Teens
Mental Health & Suicide Prevention 
The community is invited to a professionally-led panel on mental health and suicide prevention with a teen moderator, presented by The Weston Alliance for Youth. The discussion is about learning how to help our kids, families, friends and neighbors.

Mark your calendar for Thursday, October 27 from 5 to 8 p.m. Be the change. 
The YMCA Logo with text that reads Haunted House is back!!
Haunted House at the Weston YMCA
October 28 - 31
Enter if you dare, the spookiest and most thrilling haunted house around at the Weston YMCA Family Center. For four days only, buy your tickets to enter “CARNEVIL,” and “Don’t ANSWER That,” from Dead Bird Productions. Tickets to the two experiences cost just $25 per person and must be purchased, in cash, at the Y. Do you have what it takes to brave these horrifying haunted houses? Enter at your own risk.  
BSO Come meet your hometown chiefs!
Have Coffee with the Chiefs
Coffee with the Cops is now Coffee with the Chiefs, with the addition of Fire Chief Todd Draizin. Our partners at BSO Police and Fire are always looking for ways to meet with community members. That’s why they want to join you for everyone’s favorite morning routine – that first cup of coffee! Come say hi and share a cup of coffee at the Starbucks in Weston Commons on Thursday, November 3, from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. 
City of Weston Special Events
Fall for Weston Events
This November, fall for our Parks and Recreations events. Mark your calendar with your favorites -- from the WestonNights Outdoor Concert featuring Jay Valor on November 5, to our Chalk in the Park Day and Moonlight Movie featuring Disney’s Encanto on November 12, and the Weston Foreign Films series which kicks off on November 14. There is something for everyone each month through next Spring.  
Veterans Day Breakfast
Join us on Veterans Day, November 11, to honor veterans in our community at the annual breakfast event presented by the YMCA of South Florida, the Weston YMCA Family Center and Spirit, in partnership with the City of Weston. This year’s keynote speaker is Dan Cnossen, a US Navy SEAL Lieutenant Commander and six-time Paralympic Medalist. 

Be sure to register to claim your ticket to this event, which will be held at the Bonaventure Town Center Club Ballroom beginning at 9 a.m.
Fire Safety Minute
October is Fire Prevention Month
Fire Safety Can Be Fun
What’s your plan? You may think you know what you would do if a fire were to break out in your home, but do you? Just as importantly, does everyone in your home know what they would do? Fire is FAST. You could have as little as two minutes for everyone to get out of the home safely. Don’t wait until your alarm goes off to develop your plan and communicate it with the whole family. 

You’ll likely see more candles burning in Weston homes this week, as millions around the world celebrate the Hindu “Festival of Lights,” Diwali. If you and your family celebrate, we wish you a happy and safe Diwali. We’d also like to remind you to never burn a candle near anything that could catch fire or leave them unattended.