martes, 15 de junio de 2021

City of Weston


June 15, 2021
Next Regular City Commission Meeting: June 21, 2021
Weston Music Society Awards Scholarships
On Monday, June 7, the Weston City Commission recognized the recipients of scholarships from the Weston Music Society. “It is our honor,” said Mayor Brown, “to once again welcome the high school senior award recipients who wish to pursue studies in music and will get some extra help from the Weston Music Society through the generosity of their sponsors and donors.” Congratulations, talented scholars! You make Weston proud.
CodeRED Logo
Hurricane Preparedness
Register for CodeRED
CodeRed allows the City of Weston to send critical communications to subscribers in case an emergency situation requires immediate action. This system is capable of dialing the entire City within minutes. If you reside or own property in Weston, including a business, you are urged to sign up for CodeRED emergency messages. The City will only send out a message on CodeRED in an emergency situation or with updates after an emergency. Additionally, your personal information is protected, as it is exempt from public records laws and cannot be shared, requested or sold.
Congratulations Darrel Thomas
Our Home Rule Hero
The Florida League of Cities (FLC) once again recognized Darrel Thomas with a Home Rule Hero Award during the 2021 legislative session for his hard work on behalf of Weston and local government in general. Home Rule Heroes are selected to promote local voices and protect the Home Rule powers of Florida’s municipalities -- the ability for a city to address local problems with local solutions with minimal state interference. Home Rule Hero Award recipients are local government officials who consistently give the Florida legislature local perspective on a variety of issues. Darrel serves on the FLC Legislative Policy Committee on Finance, Personnel and Taxation which develops the League's Legislative Action Agenda, and the Florida Government Finance Officers Association Legislative Action Committee.

"I enjoy the feeling of helping people and making a difference in my community and society in general," explained Thomas. "The Home Rule Hero award provides me with a moment to pause, reflect on my efforts and appreciate the extra work put in to ensure local voices are heard at the state level." We congratulate Darrel on this well-deserved recognition!
Drop Off Option for Household Hazardous Waste
Available to Weston Residents Every Saturday
Every Saturday from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m., the Broward County Residential Drop Off Centers are open for Household Hazardous Waste and Electronic Collection (HHW). Weston residents may drop off hazardous waste items and/or electronic recycling at:
Broward County Central Residential Drop-off Center
5490 Reese Road, Davie, 33313
Don’t forget to bring a photo ID and proof of residency. 
Fire Safety:
Electrical Safety Tips
Did you know that electricity is one of the top causes for residential fires? Although electricity is essential, making our daily lives easier, it is also powerful and a potential fire-related hazard. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has tips to help reduce the risk of a fire by home electrical appliances and causes. 
Doctor giving flu shot to person
COVID-19 Vaccines
Don't Forget the Routine Vaccines, too!
Many of the large COVID-19 vaccination sites are closing and shifting to more local and personal ‘pop-up’ sites in partnership with municipalities in June, and beyond, to help reach those who remain vaccine hesitant. The sites offer the Pfizer vaccine for those 12 and older with no appointment, no insurance and give a $10 grocery coupon. Although both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are authorized for emergency use, both have applied for full FDA approval.
Click below for COVID-19 vaccine locations, incentives and more.

And with everything going on, we remind parents to stay up to date on your children’s other vaccinations prior to the start of school this fall.
Photo of band marching in a prior July 4 parade with logo from the 2021 parade
Join Our Hometown Celebration Parade!
Application Available through June 21
Want to enter a unit in Weston’s favorite hometown celebration parade on July 4th? It's easy! Just complete and submit the application form before the deadline of June 21. All parade entries should be decorated according to the spirit of Independence Day and should reflect this year's theme: Weston, Celebrating 25 years!
YMCA: Meet the Physical Therapist
Want to Build Muscle? Tips for Weightlifting
Attend your next Meet the Physical Therapist lecture with LaBrent Harrell, PT about weightlifting to build muscle. The YMCA of South Florida and the Cleveland Clinic Florida invite you to attend this free virtual session on Wednesday, June 23 at noon.
Weston Warriors Football and Cheerleading
Registration Open for the Season & Summer Football Camp
Registration is open for the Weston Warriors Tackle Football and the Cheerleading program is open for ages 5 and over. Established in 1995, the Weston Warriors are affiliated with Pop Warner leagues, which follow strict a age and weight matrix that allow players to compete with others in a safe environment with a family-friendly atmosphere. Spring conditioning is already underway and summer football camp begins on June 21! Secure your child’s spot in the program by registering today. Some age divisions for the football program are already filled and have a waiting list.
Summer Camp
Time for Some Summer Fun
Some Camp Options in Weston
With the pandemic school year behind us, Weston’s youngsters are ready to dive into summer fun with friends. The Weston YMCA Family Center’s popular summer camp program is back, offering themed programs weekly that include such activities as arts & crafts, songs, games, YFIT, swimming and more for ages 5 - 12 years old. The Weston Racquet Club is once again offering Summer Sports Camp for ages 6 and up with morning and afternoon options. Additionally, some of the sports leagues, such as AYSO Soccer, also offer camp. AYSO offers full and half-day options throughout the summer. 

miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2021

The Real Florida℠ Connection


florida state parks - the real florida CONNECTION
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Eric Draper Headshot


Last year I saw an amazing act of motherly love. I was leaving Bald Point State Park and saw a mama black bear with two cubs crossing the road.

One of the cubs got distracted and stopped following its sibling and mother. When mama noticed the cub wasn’t with her, she stood tall on her back legs and scanned the other side of the road. Undaunted by speeding cars, she galloped back to the stranded cub and then herded her family safely into the park’s woods.

Florida State Parks protect wildlife and provide accessible places where visitors can see some of nature’s most remarkable creatures, many of which show familiar behaviors of maternal instincts.

Most of Florida's endangered and imperiled species find refuge in state parks. Florida scrub-jays, found only in our state, would face extinction were it not for the protected sand scrub carefully managed by park staff in places like Jonathan Dickinson State ParkOscar Scherer State Park and Rock Springs Run State Reserve. Other charismatic but increasingly rare birds such as American oystercatchers and swallow-tailed kites also find shelter in state parks.  

No matter the species, and no matter how large or small, there is something special about providing the food and habitat that nurtures life. Each year, Mother’s Day gives us a chance to appreciate all of nature’s moms and all they do.

Consider taking a mom in your life to a state park this month. A memorable walk on a paved path or along a wooded trail, a glass bottom boat ride to see manatees, a day at the beach. Observe the amazing wildlife. Many of the creatures you will see rely on state parks to provide safe places where families can take care of their young.


Eric Draper




In honor of the hard-working women who mean so much to us, here are five animal moms that raise their young in Florida's state parks.

learn more here
Snail Kite


May 21 is National Endangered Species Day. We’ve highlighted just a handful of these rare and amazing species that rely on Florida State Parks.

learn more here
ESHWSP Panther


While rarely seen by people, the elusive Florida panther does reside in some of Florida's state parks. A panther sighting makes for a memorable experience.

learn more here


With an abundance of animals both big and small, wildlife watching is one of the most exciting activities available at Florida State Parks.

learn more here




The 69th annual Florida Folk Festival will be held virtually on May 28-30, 2021.

Check out some of the best music, art and culture that Florida has to offer - entirely from the comfort of your home!

Performances will be broadcast digitally on YouTube and social media.

This three-day celebration will highlight the stories, dance and music that make Florida unique.

Sit back and relax as performers showcase a wide variety of music and storytelling influenced by generations of Florida families and communities.

To see an updated event schedule and list of performances, visit the Florida Folk Festival's official webpage.



martes, 25 de mayo de 2021

Cómo detectar las estafas de inversiones en criptomonedas

 17 de mayo de 2021

Las criptomonedas han recibido mucha atención como una nueva manera de invertir. Pero la cuestión es que los estafadores se están aprovechando de lo que la gente entiende (o no entiende) sobre las inversiones en criptomonedas y cómo funcionan. Y los más jóvenes están perdiendo a lo grande.

De hecho, un nuevo dato destacado de la FTC indica que, desde octubre de 2020, alrededor de 7,000 personas reportaron pérdidas con falsas inversiones en criptomonedas que suman un total que supera los $80 millones de dólares. Las personas de entre 20 y 49 años de edad presentaron cinco veces más de probabilidades de reportar pérdidas de dinero con estas estafas que las personas de cualquier otro grupo de edad. Pero un punto aún más impactante es que los veinteañeros y treintañeros han perdido más dinero con las estafas de inversiones que con cualquier otro tipo de fraude. Y más de la mitad de las pérdidas con estafas de inversiones reportadas, $35 millones de dólares, fue con criptomonedas.


Las estafas con inversiones en criptomonedas pueden ocurrir de varias maneras, pero todas están repletas de falsas promesas y falsas garantías. Los estafadores pueden establecer sitios de inversiones que parecen reales, pero luego descubrirás que no puedes retirar el dinero que “invertiste”. Otros se hacen pasar por gente famosa, como un pretendido Elon Musk, y reparten generosas declaraciones de multiplicar cualquier tipo de criptomoneda que envíes. Los estafadores también usan sitios web de citas en línea para convencer a la gente de hacer falsas inversiones en criptomonedas en nombre del amor.

Si estás pensando en invertir en criptomonedas:

Investiga antes de invertir. Haz una búsqueda en internet ingresando el nombre de la compañía y de la criptomoneda y agrega palabras como “review”, “scam” o “complaint”; si haces la búsqueda en español, agrega palabras como “comentario”, “estafa” o “queja”.
Ten cuidado con las garantías y las grandes promesas. Los estafadores suelen prometer que ganarás dinero rápidamente, o que obtendrás altos rendimientos o ganancias garantizadas. Podrían ofrecerte dinero a cambio de nada, en efectivo o en criptomonedas, pero, aunque cuenten con el endoso de una celebridad, no te lo creas. Ganarás dinero si tienes la suerte de vender tus criptomonedas por un valor más alto del que pagaste. No confíes en la gente que te diga que conoce una mejor manera de ganar.
Todo aquel que te diga que tienes que pagar con criptomonedastransferencia de dinero o tarjeta de regalo es un estafador. Si le pagas, generalmente no hay manera de recuperar tu dinero.

Llamadas indeseadas: bloquéalas y repórtalas

 12 de mayo de 2021

Las llamadas indeseadas son molestas. Son como una interrupción constante, y detrás de muchas de estas llamadas están los estafadores. Lamentablemente, con la tecnología actual a los estafadores les es más fácil hacer millones de llamadas por día. Así que esta semana, como parte del Mes de los Estadounidenses de Edad Avanzada, estamos hablando sobre cómo bloquear las llamadas indeseadas — las que recibes tú y las que reciben tus amigos y familiares. Para empezar, chale un vistazo a este video: 

Algunas de las llamadas indeseadas más comunes que observamos actualmente en la FTC son supuestas llamadas de parte de la Administración del Seguro Social, Medicare, y el IRS, falsas llamadas de soporte técnico de computadores de Amazon o Apple y falsas llamadas sobre garantías de carros y tarjetas de crédito. 

Pero sin importar el tipo de llamadas indeseadas que recibas (y todos las estamos recibiendo) tu mejor defensa es una buena ofensiva. A continuación, tres verdades universales a seguir:

No confíes en tu identificador de llamadas.
Cuélgale el teléfono a las llamadas automáticas pre-grabadas.
Usa un servicio de bloqueo de llamadas

Visita para aprender a bloquear llamadas en tu teléfono celular y en el teléfono de tu casa.

La FTC continúa persiguiendo a las empresas y los estafadores que se encuentran detrás de estas llamadas, así que sigue reportando las llamadas no deseadas en Si perdiste dinero con una llamada fraudulenta, cuéntanoslo en Tus reportes nos ayudan a tomar medidas contra los estafadores y los operadores de llamadas automáticas pre-grabadas ilegales — como lo hicimos en la Operación Dejen de llamar. En este operativo de drásticas medidas, la FTC y sus colegas estatales y federales entablaron 94 acciones contra operadores de llamadas automáticas pre-grabadas ilegales. Pero hay algo más, también tomamos nota de los números de teléfono que reportas y los publicamos todos los días hábiles. Eso ayuda a las compañías telefónicas y a otros participantes del sector que están trabajando en soluciones de bloqueo y etiquetado de llamadas.