jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2019

Mayor Gelber and his 700 turkeys.

Mayor Gelber expanded Early Voting an extra day, at the same time he is giving out 700 turkeys (TWO WEEKS BEFORE THANKSGIVING) two blocks away from the polling site.
Dear Resident,

Yesterday morning I began to receive panicked phone calls about an 11th-hour rule change item, co-sponsored by Mayor Dan Gelber and Ricky Arriola to add an extra day of Early Voting on Miami Beach (click here to read the memo).

While I am one hundred percent behind the regular expansion of Early Voting, this rule-change is suspicious.

This agenda item, added on a Sunday, with no notice, no community input, no warning, changes the rules in the middle of this election cycle and happens to fall on the same day Mayor Gelber and Ricky Arriola are giving away 700 turkeys --within walking distance of the polling site.

Rumor has it that the turkey giveaway, normally done the week before Thanksgiving, was "moved up" to this date, although city officials deny this.

Mayor Dan Gelber says its a conspiracy theory (read Miami Herald article here), but this is not a theory. This is just a conspiracy. Co-sponsor Ricky Arriola, who happens to be on a "newly-formed slate" with my opponent, is using city resources to influence this election.

Why was there such desperation to change Early Voting right now? Why on Veteran's Day weekend? Why did Mayor Gelber not have this wonderful idea to expand early voting six months ago when the Commission voted on a binding resolution?

The Early Voting meeting is scheduled this morning at 9am, but since there was no notice to candidates or the public, I have to go to work.

If you are not on Mayor Gelber's slate, this is not good news for you.

Regular candidates like me, we have no turkeys to give away. All we have is our hard work, our fresh ideas, our resident voices, and a desire to create political change in Miami Beach--to save it from a small group of people with lots and lots of turkeys that seem to be controlling everything!

Is this fair, or is "fowl" play?

Can you please come out and vote, because turkeyless candidates who will work for the residents and not just the lobbyists and developers need your vote.

Gobble Gobble,
Kristen Signature
P.S. I promise to stop spamming you daily after November 19th! Then I will go back to weekly messaging.
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