viernes, 28 de agosto de 2020

City of Miami Beach Update on COVID-19, 8/27

Thursday, August 27, 2020
Ensuring the safety and health of Miami Beach residents, visitors and businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic remains the city’s most important objective. Read the latest updates below.

Message from the Mayor
View today's message from Mayor Dan Gelber below and read it in Spanish here.
Mayor Dan Gelber's COVID19 Update 8 27 2020
COVID-19 & Antibody Testing

*UPDATE* Walk-Up Testing
The walk-up COVID-19 testing site located at the municipal parking lot on 21 Street and Collins Avenue will cease operations at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow, August 28. 

Miami Beach Convention Center Testing Site
The MBCC testing site is now offering drive-up and walk-up COVID-19 antigen tests (“rapid tests”). This test is a nasal swab test with results reported, to the patient, within 4 hours or less. It will be offered from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily or until the site reaches the maximum 350 daily allotted tests. More detailed information on the purpose and efficacy of the antigen test can be found on the CDC website.

Both the COVID-19 active virus and antibody tests continue to be available at the Miami Beach Convention Center testing facility located on 17 Street and Convention Center Drive. The COVID-19 drive-thru and walk-up testing site is available daily, including weekends, from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. and is available for ages 5 and up.

Visit our 'Testing' tab to view detailed information on all testing locations, including testing at the Hard Rock Stadium and homebound testing and further details.
Back-to-School Dance Party

Lets celebrate thew new school year with a virtual dance party with the Miami Beach Parks & Rec team!

Friday, August 28
3 PM
Click here for the webinar:

Visit and share with friends to celebrate with us the 2020-2021 school year.
Drive-Thru Food Distribution
Feeding South Florida and Commissioner David Richardson will host a drive-thru food distribution on Saturday, August 29.

Saturday, August 29
9 AM - 11 AM
2100 Collins Avenue
Miami Beach, FL

The food distribution is on a first come, first serve basis while supplies last. Please remain in your car and open the trunk when it's your turn in line.

If you do not have a car and would like to qualify for food assistance, please call or register online. Phone: 305.604.CITY (2489) or
Back-to-School with Parks & Rec

Virtual After School Program
The Parks & Recreation Department will be offering homework assistance for children in grades Kindergarten through 5th grade. Additional activities will include fitness classes, yoga, cooking, science and more.

Monday through Friday (September 8 - October 2)
2:30 PM - 5 PM (K-1st Grade)
3:30 PM - 6 PM (2nd - 5th Grade)
Weekly Fee: $75

Virtual Teen Club
The virtual Teen Club program includes tutoring/homework assistance, STEM, dance, social emotional learning, entrepreneurship, sports fitness, hobby projects and more. Virtual tutoring occurs through the Zoom platform and space is limited.

Monday through Friday (September 8 - October 2)
4 PM - 5:30 PM (6th - 12th Grade)
FREE for all teens enrolled in a Miami Beach school

Programs may be canceled due to low enrollment. Registration starts Monday, August 31 at 10 a.m. at
Mondays with Micky
Join Commissioner Micky Steinberg, School Board Member Dr. Martin Karp and City of Miami Beach Chief Learning & Education Officer Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld on Monday, August 31 at 6 p.m. to discuss Education in Miami Beach during COVID-19.

Monday, August 31
6 PM

Tune-in via Zoom webinar here:

Or by telephone: 929.205.6099 or 888.475.4499 (Toll Free), Webinar ID: 840 2211 4198.
Make Your Voice Count: Fill Out the Census
Now more than ever it's important to get counted! So call up your friends and neighbors and ask them to visit and make sure our community gets counted.
First Responders
Plasma Donation
As the number of COVID-19 infections rise in Florida, hospitals are facing critical shortages of convalescent plasma for treatment.

The University of Miami Health System is working with OneBlood to collect convalescent plasma to use for a potential treatment option for patients with COVID-19.

Who can participate in this study?
A donor must be over 18 years old, have confirmed COVID-19 documents by a laboratory test, or history suggestive of resolved COVID-19 like illness. Participants must also have complete resolution of symptoms at least 28 days before donation and not participated in any COVID vaccine trials for at least the past 12 months.

For more information on the donation process, contact Tom Tanner at 305.243.5621 or via email at

Transfusing the plasma that contains the antibodies into a person still fighting the virus can provide a boost to the patient’s immune system and potentially help them recover. Click here to learn more on how you can donate today.
Mask Up Miami Beach
We urge everyone to wear a mask, continue practicing social distancing and meticulously wash hands regularly.

Reminder, Miami Beach Police and Code Compliance Officers are giving out $50 civil citations for anyone not wearing a facial covering while in a public place or space.

Free masks are being provided at all Miami-Dade Public Libraries.
Stay Informed
Visit our dedicated, city-related coronavirus webpage at for the most up-to-date information, including important resources, impacts to city services and more.

Our city hotline at 305.604.CITY (2489) is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. You can also email your questions to MBCovid@miamibeachfl.govOr connect with us through social media via emailNextdoorFacebookTwitter and via text message (text MBAlert to 888777).

¿Está conduciendo para ganar dinero extra? Primero revise su póliza de seguro automotriz.

Cada vez más personas buscan servicios de entrega durante la pandemia de coronavirus y por esto muchas compañías buscan conductores para transportar comidas, medicamentos, comestibles y otros artículos al hogar de las personas. Antes de pensar en ganar algo de dinero extra como conductor de reparto utilizando su propio vehículo, debe estar consciente de los peligros del seguro automotriz
Quizás piensa que la compañía para la que trabaja cubrirá los costos de un accidente que ocurra mientras esté de servicio. ¿Cierto? Está equivocado. Si sufre un accidente en su propio automóvil mientras realiza (o regresa de) una entrega, es posible que se deba hacer cargo de manera personal de las reparaciones del automóvil y las facturas médicas, tanto suyas como de  cualquier otra persona involucrada en el accidente. Muchas compañías de reparto, servicios de transporte compartido y restaurantes no cubren estos costos.
Quizás piensa que la compañía de su seguro automotriz cubre estos costos. ¿Cierto? Nuevamente, está equivocado. La mayoría de las pólizas de seguro de automóvil no cubren el uso comercial de los vehículos personales. Eso significa que posiblemente deba pagar la atención médica y las reparaciones del automóvil de su propio bolsillo. 
Antes de que se convierta en un empleado de reparto o trabajador temporal, le presentamos algunas cosas que debe tener en cuenta:
Consulte a la compañía de entrega o al restaurante si tienen un seguro que cubra estos gastos. Obtenga una copia de la póliza. Algunas compañías no proveen cobertura. Otras quizás paguen el deducible de su seguro personal o las reclamaciones sobre un monto determinado. O bien, quizás cubran solo los daños causados durante el trayecto hacia una entrega, pero no mientras regresa o espera su próxima entrega.
Consulte a su compañía de seguro automotriz si su póliza provee cobertura para accidentes que ocurren en el trayecto de regreso desde el trabajo. Algunas compañías de seguros están respondiendo a la pandemia de coronavirus ampliando la cobertura a los clientes que utilizan sus vehículos personales para realizar entregas.
Si su póliza de seguro automotriz personal no cubre el uso comercial, es posible que necesite una póliza de seguro automotriz comercial. Las pólizas comerciales cubren el uso comercial del vehículo, como entrega de alimentos, paquetes o conducción para una empresa de viajes compartidos.
Ganar dinero ya es bastante difícil. Infórmense, para que un accidente sorpresa no le cueste dinero mientras se esfuerza tanto por ganarlo.

Laura se degrada a depresión tropical

Hace 16 horas

Laura se degrada a depresión tropical

Por Tyler Mauldin Y Robert Shackelford
Laura se ha debilitado a una depresión en Arkansas, según la actualización más reciente del Centro Nacional de Huracanes. Ahora tiene vientos sostenidos de 35 mph (55 km/h).
Aunque debilitado, es posible que se produzcan tornados aislados y fuertes lluvias a medida que avanza hacia el este.

Minuto a minuto: Laura ya es una depresión tropical

Hace 20 horas

Aumenta a 6 el número de muertos por el huracán Laura en Louisiana

Por Andy Rose
Seis personas murieron el jueves en Louisiana como resultado del huracán Laura, según el Departamento de Salud de Louisiana. La portavoz Alyson Neel le dijo a CNN que dos de las víctimas estaban en el distrito de Calcasieu, mientras que también hubo muertes en los distritos de Acadia, Allen, Jackson y Vernon. Las víctimas tienen entre 14 y 68 años.
Detalles de los fallecidos, según el Departamento de Salud de Louisiana:
– Hombre de 68 años, distrito de Acadia
– Niña de 14 años, distrito de Vernon
– Hombre 51 años, distrito de Jackson
– Hombre de 64 años, distrito de Allen
– Hombre de 24 años, distrito de Calcasieu
– Hombre (edad desconocida), distrito de Calcasieu

Storm Information National Hurricane Center


The National Weather Service wants you to have the latest, most accurate information on Laura to keep you informed and safe. Here is a compilation of information that you can use before, during, and after the storm to have the most current forecasted weather conditions for your area, evacuation and shelter information, and available resources to help keep you safe. NWS offices will be using #Laura on Twitter throughout the event.

jueves, 27 de agosto de 2020

Concealed Weapon Class Offered Online Friday. New inventory, Glocks, Taurus, P365'S & AMMO

CALL/TEXT 786-502-8035

Please note we will be open limited hours at our warehouse conveniently located at
1023 NE 44th St. Oakland Park FL, 33334
Thurs-Saturday 10:00am-5:30pm


9mm FMJ Ammo Inc
 9mm GOLD DOT Hollow Points
9mm Hollow Points FEDERAL HST
7.62x39 Steel
223 Remington Brass
556 fmj
Call/Text 786-502-8035
Call/text now to prepay for your ammo.
New Updated Inventory 
P 365 XL
During this time, we will have a HUNDREDS of firearms on display. Firearms on display will consist of the following:
(Please Note our pricing has changed due to Inventory, Also if your looking for something specific please ask we have hundred of firearms in stock.

Sig Sauer P365 SAS $599.99
SW M&P9 Shield 2.0 $429.99
SW SD 9mm & SD 40 caliber $349.99
Canik Tp9sfx $549.99
Canik Tp9 Sub Compact $449.99
Keltec SUB2k Starting $399.99
Magpul AR-15 Magazines $15 for 1 or 5 for $60 
Taurus Tx22 (Black & Black & Fde) $289.99
Ruger Lcp II 22lr $299.99
Sig Sauer M17 $669.99
Sig Sauer M18 $669.99
Walther PPQ Q5 Match PRO $1499.99

Kindly note that we offer firearm shipping services to those that are interested.  Please feel free to contact us at 786-502-8035 for more details.

As safety is our main priority for everyone. We are pleased to announce for a limited time we are offering the Florida Concealed Carry class online for $49.99.  The online class will be held on

FRIDAY Aug 14th, 2020 6:00 PM

This class is a 2 Part class:
Part 1: Live Webinar Session, you must be logged in Via our online platform during the class time.  Class time is between 1.5hrs to 2hr long.

Part 2: Live Fire, here you must fire 1 Round in front of a Licensed Instructor. Once this has been displayed you will “Receive your Certificate of Completion”.  This part of the class will be done on Saturday Aug 14th, 2020.
 Please contact us  in advance to schedule an appointment in which you will fire the live round.