martes, 2 de marzo de 2021

City of Miami Beach Update on COVID-19, 3/2


Tuesday, March 2, 2021
The Interim City Manager has issued Amended Phase 3 Opening Order and Emergency Measures, effectively immediately, which clarifies those business establishments that are subject to the prohibition on the sale of alcoholic beverages (for off-premises consumption) by package liquor stores until 10 p.m. daily.

Such package liquor stores include all retail stores, grocery stores, convenience stores, and gas stations, and this clarified Emergency Order is meant to specifically address the City’s continued efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and its highly infectious variants.

We continue to provide our residents and businesses with the latest updates from the City of Miami Beach during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read the latest news and updates below.
COVID-19 Updates
Vaccine Updates You Should Know
Governor DeSantis signed an Executive Order authoring licensed physicians as well as hospitals to administer the COVID vaccine to people of all ages deemed extremely vulnerable to COVID-19; additionally, advanced practice registered nurses and pharmacists can administer vaccines to those deemed to be extremely vulnerable by a doctor.

The Governor also expanded vaccine eligibility to include K-12 teachers, law enforcement, and firefighters 50 and older and all long-term care facility residents and staff, along with people 65 years of age and older and healthcare workers with direct patient contact.

Publix has begun administering the COVID-19 vaccine at all Publix pharmacy locations throughout Miami-Dade County. To schedule an appointment, visit
Now Open: Miami-Dade County Emergency Rental Assistance Program
The new Miami-Dade County Emergency Rental Assistance Program 2.3 (ERAP 2.3) is open for applications now through March 15 at 5 p.m.
This new program is similar to the previous rental relief phases and will provide emergency rental assistance to Miami-Dade County households experiencing financial hardships as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. However, there are some differences.
Under ERAP 2.3:
  • The household must earn no more than 80 percent of the County Annual Area Median Income (AMI) with a preference for those earning no more than 50 percent of annual AMI.
  • Eligible households may receive up to 12 months of assistance to address back rent.
  • The amount of rental assistance will depend on the amount of unpaid rent and is based on the lesser of the monthly lease rent or up to $3,000 per month.
  • The application must be completed by the tenant, but landlords/owners are encouraged to contact the program by email at or by phone at 786.688.2440 to refer tenants who are behind in their rent. PHCD will make every effort to get landlords and tenants to work together to resolve problems.

To speak to a customer service representative for the ERAP 2.3, please call 305.723.1815 or email The ERAP 2.3 application can be found here.
North Beach Food Distribution
Commissioner David Richardson's office will host their weekly food distribution in North Beach tomorrow, March 3.

Wednesday, March 3
9 AM - 11 AM
8700 Collins Avenue
Miami Beach, FL

The food distribution is on a first come, first serve basis while supplies last. Please remain in your car and open the trunk when it's your turn in line.

If you do not have a car and would like to qualify for food assistance, please call or register online. Phone: 305.604.CITY (2489) or
COVID-19 Testing
Drive-thru and walk-up COVID-19 testing continues on 17 Street and Convention Center Drive. We encourage you to pre-register for the walk-up site by clicking here or make your appointment for the drive-thru site here.

Visit our 'Testing' tab to view detailed testing information.

COVID-19 Vaccines
Miami-Dade County continues to work with hospital and healthcare partners to vaccinate members of our community against COVID-19 as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Appointments can be made through a scheduling tool, as more vaccines become available, at The website is also available in Spanish at

For updated information about where vaccines are currently available and to answer frequently asked questions about the vaccine, please click here. Visit our 'Vaccine' tab to view additional vaccine information.

What to Expect After Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine
Click here to learn more on what you can expect post vaccination and some helpful tips.
General City Updates
Urban Forestry Master Plan Commission Workshop
There will be a Urban Forestry Master Plan Commission Workshop hosted virtually today, March 2 at 4 p.m. via Zoom here: meeting will be streamed live on MBTV Channel 660 on Atlantic Broadband or 99 on AT&T U-Verse.

How to provide spoken public comment during the meeting: The public may provide spoken comment by dialing telephone 301.715.8592 or 888.475.4499 (toll free).  The Webinar ID is 891 6536 2419. Press *9 to raise a hand to be placed in queue to speak.
HOME Investment Partnership Program
The City of Miami Beach has availability for the FY 2021 HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to support projects, programs and activities by area providers aligned with the City’s Consolidated Plan.

Proposals may be submitted by not-for-profit or for-profit corporations or partnerships and must take place within the City of Miami Beach and benefit its residents.    
  • Public Services such as: childcare services, youth services, senior services, homeless prevention, homeless assistance, services to special populations, health services, and others. 
  • Non-Public Services such as: creation and retention of affordable housing. 

Interested parties may visit the City’s website for more information and to submit an application, here. A mandatory pre-submission meeting for applicants will be held Tuesday, March 9 at 3 p.m. via Zoom. 
Bayshore Traffic Calming Meeting
Join the City of Miami Beach for a public meeting on traffic calming improvements in the Bayshore Neighborhood. City staff along with the consultant will present the proposed improvements and gather public feedback on the project.

Thursday, March 4
6 PM

Click here to join the webinar:

Or call in via phone at 312.626.6799 or 833.548.0282 (Toll Free). The Webinar ID is 985 2547 9886. For more information please visit
Board of Adjustment Meeting
There will be a Board of Adjustment meeting hosted virtually on Friday, March 5 at 9 a.m. via Zoom here: meeting will be streamed live on MBTV Channel 660 on Atlantic Broadband or 99 on AT&T U-Verse.

How to provide spoken public comment during the meeting: The public may provide spoken comment by dialing telephone 301.715.8592 or 888.475.4499 (toll free).  The Webinar ID is 828 6961 5309. Press *9 to raise a hand to be placed in queue to speak.
Black History Month Celebration Finale
Enjoy a collaboration of skits, dances and poems performed by participants in the Parks & Recreation afterschool and teen club programs to close out Black History Month.

Sunday, March 7
5 PM

Tune into MBTV: Atlantic Broadband Cable channel 660, AT&T U-verse channel 99.

Don't have access to Atlantic Broadband? You can stream it online here.
Youth Music Festival
The fifth annual Miami Beach Youth Music Festival takes place as a hybrid in-person and virtual showcase of our city’s most talented young musicians. We've found the best of the best and now it's time to ROCK!

Miami Beach's best youth musicians and groups take the stage on Saturday, March 13 for a virtual performance.

Saturday, March 13
5 PM

RSVP to join the Livestream event, here.
Parks & Rec Corner
Get moving with the Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Department with tai chi and pickle ball!

Visit and let's create memories together!
Family Cooking Classes
The Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Department in partnership with Common Threads has brought back family cooking classes!

These Sunday classes focus on family participation, healthy ingredient substitutions and convenient cost-saving recipes. Their goal is to teach families how to cook together and incorporate healthy habits at home, while maintaining their existing traditions.

Sessions are on going on select Sundays now through May with two time slots, from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. or 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Scott Rakow Youth Center.

To register, visit

viernes, 26 de febrero de 2021

Mensaje del Alcalde: COVID-19 - 26 de febrero


Durante el próximo mes incluiré actualizaciones de Spring Break ya que se espera que las próximas semanas sean las más activas y desafiantes.

Hemos implementado nuestros esfuerzos policiales mejorados. Más policías en nuestras calles, calzadas y vías fluviales. Con cero tolerancia.

En un período de 18 días a principios de este mes, realizamos 397 arrestos. Que es un montón para cualquier ciudad especialmente una de nuestro tamaño. Muchos son por ordenanzas municipales como beber en público, pero casi la mitad son por delitos graves. Hemos incautado decenas de armas de fuego, a menudo debido a paradas de coches que desencadenaron nuestros lectores de placas debido a órdenes pendientes. También hemos parado media docena de barcos por violaciones. Además, hemos realizado 2,400 multas de tráfico en el mismo período, y cerramos un negocio de alquiler de motos. Estamos tratando de dejar claro que si vienes aquí debes obedecer las reglas.

Desafortunadamente, nuestra ciudad se ha convertido en un imán para personas de todas partes del estado y más allá. Demasiadas personas que buscan comportarse mal. Vuelos baratos desde cualquier lugar, habitaciones con descuento lo hacen fácil. El hecho de que sus lugares de origen sean demasiado fríos o no tan abiertos como la Florida nos ha convertido en el destino de elección. De los casi 400 arrestos que hicimos, el 90% de los arrestados eran de personas que vienen de otras ciudades.

Entonces, esto se convierte en parte del desafío. Todos los días llega aquí un nuevo grupo de decenas de miles o más buscando festejar. Creyendo que a nosotros no nos importa el virus. ¿Cómo hacemos correr la voz de que este no es ese lugar ? He tratado de que la gente sepa en términos inequívocos qué esperar si vienen aquí con ese objetivo. Hacerles saber que deben quedarse en casa o buscar otro destino. Y estamos utilizando agresivamente las redes sociales para apuntar específicamente a aquellos en edades clave demográficas. Si alguien de una de esas edades visita sitios de viajes hoy, como Expedia, obtendrá mensajes sobre nuestros niveles de tolerancia y las reglas. El punto es que, por difícil que sea ​​esta tarea, estamos intentando todo para transmitir el mensaje. No venga aquí con el objetivo de no seguir las reglas. Serás arrestado. Me gustaría agradecer a nuestros policías por sus esfuerzos, ya que nada de esto es fácil o aceptable. 

Y, aun así, estamos en medio de una pandemia que parece haber sido olvidada por demasiados. Desde el lunes, el Departamento de Salud del Estado informó 79 muertes solo en nuestro condado. Y las cifras confirman que, aunque hemos superado el aumento que ocurrió en la época de fiestas, demasiadas personas continúan enfermándose o empeorando todos los días. Las nuevas infecciones diarias de nuestro condado se han estabilizado a un alto nivel. Y hoy todavía tenemos demasiados enfermos en nuestros hospitales y en ventiladores médicos.

Y, además, la variante británica también ha encontrado un hogar en nuestro condado.
En cuanto a las vacunas, parece que vienen más y se abren más opciones.

Aproximadamente una cuarta parte de las personas mayores de nuestro condado han recibido ambas dosis. Todavía estamos a la zaga de otros condados y del estado, pero estamos progresando. Pronto el gobernador declarará elegibles a otros grupos de población, incluyendo, con suerte, a los maestros. Los esfuerzos de vacunación de nuestra ciudad continuarán ahora estamos proporcionando aproximadamente 1,000 vacunas a la semana.

Están sucediendo muchas cosas. Sinceramente, demasiado. Pero lo superaremos. Entonces, como siempre, gracias por tu calma, definitivamente tu paciencia y sacrificio. Mantente saludable y principalmente en casa.
