miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2020

City of Weston

May 5, 2020

The Weston City Commission on Why You Should Be Counted: Census 2020
Completing the Census is VERY IMPORTANT
The census can shape different aspects of our community from health clinics, fire departments, schools and roads. It is critical to fill out the census to provide the necessary funding for the next 10 years. It's easy! Fill out the census online, over the phone or the paper form in just 10 minutes. All your information is safe and secure. Play your part in helping out your community today.
Passive Parks in Weston Reopen with some new rules to keep everyone safe
The New Weston Way is Beginning
As part of the New Weston Way, physical distancing and facial coverings (some exceptions apply) will be required until health experts advise it is no longer necessary. And while some parks are now open for some much-needed fresh air and outdoor activities, Weston’s Safer at Home order is still in effect. It is important that all of our new guidelines are followed in order for us to continue the phased reopening process.
County Offers Mobile and In-Home COVID-19 Testing
Starting Wednesday, May 6, Broward County, the Florida Department of Health in Broward, American Medical Response, and the Century Ambulance Services are launching a mobile and in-home testing program in efforts to increase the number of COVID-19 tests. Residents eligible for the new testing option include homebound elderly or individuals with disabilities who are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 and cannot leave their home to access drive-ups or walk-up tests sites.

Initial hours of operation will be Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. until noon and 1 p.m. until 4 p.m. If you believe you are eligible, call the Broward County COVID-19 call center at 954-357-9500 for a prequalifying assessment. The call center is open seven days a week from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m.
Get the Latest Information
We continue to monitor and share the latest updates and resources regarding coronavirus in our community at WestonFL.org/Coronavirus.

Collection of Fabric Masks Continue
We are well on our way to reaching our goal of 10,000 fabric masks for Cleveland Clinic Florida. Just drive thru and drop off at Weston City Hall.

Shine in White
We thank doctors, nurses, police, firefighters, first responders, media, sales personnel, public works staff, transport staff, grocery clerks, restaurants and more during these uncertain times. We continue to share our support for those working on the front lines. Share your photos and inspirational messages and us our hashtag: #ShineInWhite #Weston.
Coronavirus Weston Scam Alert Graphic
What Does a Coronavirus Scam Look Like?
During the COVID-19 outbreak, scammers may try to take advantage of you through misinformation and scare tactics. They might get in contact through phone, email, text, mail, and social media. Protect yourself from scams and how to report them by clicking below to learn more. 
Quarantine Cooking Fire Safety Tips
Cooking brings family together and in times of quarantine, cooking can be an outlet for creativity and relaxation. That is why the National Fire Protection Association wants to keep you safe from home fires. Cook with caution with these simple tips. 
Need Help? Call 211
While this crisis has brought the best out of many, it has also resulted in an increase in numbers of victims of assault, violence, substance abuse and suicide. Connect with services through 211 Broward by calling 211 or visiting 211-broward.org to find the help you or your family members need.
What's on the Web?
Virtual Fun for Everyone!
Although the Weston Community Center is closed until further notice, spring virtual classes are available. Some programs are fee-based. The Weston Parks and Recreation Department is also sharing virtual activities to get the entire family involved like Tac-Tac-Toe to Fitness, Wacky Wednesday and Scavenger Hunts.
Rolling Into May with Bike Safety Tips
May is National Bike Month! For the entire month of May, we will be posting weekly bike safety tips on our social media that you and your family can follow to make sure you’re safe as you travel around Weston. With more Weston residents out and about on their bikes, remember that under Florida law, a bicycle rider or passenger under the age of 16 must wear a helmet.

Follow Us!
Coming Soon . . . Bonaventure Park
The first public park within the Bonaventure community is coming soon. Located at 520 Racquet Club Road, the new two-acre park is a much-anticipated addition to the neighborhood. The park will allow residents to access the city’s park system and amenities close to their home. The park is not open to the public yet, as construction is still being finalized. View the latest aerial photos of the park by clicking below. 

Latin People News LPN: Personas de bajos ingresos son elegibles para reci...

Latin People News LPN: Personas de bajos ingresos son elegibles para reci...: Personas de bajos ingresos son elegibles para recibir pago de impacto económico Las personas de bajos ingresos son elegibles para recib...

Personas de bajos ingresos son elegibles para recibir pago de impacto económico

Personas de bajos ingresos son elegibles para recibir pago de impacto económico

Las personas de bajos ingresos son elegibles para recibir un pago de impacto económico. Aquellos que no tienen un requisito de presentación pueden usar la herramienta gratis en línea Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info para inscribirse rápida y fácilmente para recibir su pago. También hay disponible una versión en español de la herramienta.
La herramienta Non-Filers está diseñada para parejas casadas con ingresos inferiores a $24,400 o personas solteras con ingresos inferiores a $12,200. Esto incluye parejas e individuos sin hogar. Por lo general, las parejas casadas califican para recibir $2,400 mientras que las personas solteras califican para recibir $1,200. Las personas con dependientes menores de 17 años pueden obtener hasta $ 500 adicionales por cada hijo.
Incluso si una persona no trabaja, aún puede calificar para un pago de impacto económico. Sin embargo, no son elegibles si fueron reclamados como dependientes por otra persona.
Si una persona no tiene el requisito de presentar una declaración de impuestos federales, generalmente califica para un pago de impacto económico. Como el IRS no sabe quiénes son estas personas, ellos deben inscribirse con el IRS, ya que es la única manera en que pueden obtener el pago de impacto económico.
Para aquellos que normalmente no presentan una declaración de impuestos, el proceso es simple y sólo toma unos minutos. Primero, visite IRS.gov y busque Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info Here. Luego proporcione información básica, incluido el número de seguro social, el nombre, la dirección y los dependientes.
El IRS usará esta información para confirmar la elegibilidad y enviar el pago de impacto económico. No se adeudarán impuestos como resultado de recibir el pago. Ingresar la información de la cuenta bancaria o financiera permitirá al IRS depositar rápidamente el pago directamente en una cuenta de ahorros o corriente. De lo contrario, el pago se enviará por correo. La información ingresada en este sitio es segura.

¿Quién no debe usar la herramienta?

Cualquier persona que ya haya presentado una declaración de 2018 o 2019 no califica para usar esta herramienta. Del mismo modo, cualquiera que necesite presentar una declaración de 2018 o 2019 no debe usar esta herramienta, sino que debe presentar sus declaraciones de impuestos. Esto incluye a cualquiera que presente una declaración para reclamar varios beneficios tributarios, como el Crédito Tributario por Ingreso del Trabajo para personas y familias trabajadoras de bajos y moderados ingresos.