lunes, 9 de marzo de 2020
City of Miami Beach Update on COVID-19
FTC y FDA: Advertencias enviadas a vendedores de tratamientos engañosos del coronavirus
9 de marzo de 2020
Colleen Tressler
Esepcialista en educación del consumidor, FTC
El mes pasado, le advertimos que se mantuviera atento a los estafadores que aprovechan los temores que rodean al coronavirus. Hoy, tenemos una actualización.
La FTC y la FDA han emitido en conjunto cartas de advertencia a siete vendedores de productos no aprobados y mal etiquetados que declaran que pueden tratar o prevenir el coronavirus. Los productos de las compañías incluyen algunos tipos de té, aceites esenciales y plata coloidal. La FTC dice que las compañías no tienen evidencia para respaldar sus declaraciones, como lo exige la ley. La FDA dice que no hay vacunas, medicamentos o productos de investigación aprobados actualmente disponibles para tratar o prevenir el virus.
Las siete compañías son:
Vital Silver
Aromatherapy Ltd.
GuruNanda, LLC
Vivify Holistic Clinic
Herbal Amy LLC
The Jim Baker Show
En parte, las cartas exigen a las compañías que, dentro de un plazo de 48 horas, notifiquen a la FTC las medidas específicas que han adoptado para abordar las inquietudes de la agencia. La FTC y la FDA harán los seguimientos respectivos a las compañías que no realicen las correcciones adecuadas. Ambas agencias también continuarán monitoreando las redes sociales, los mercados en línea y las quejas entrantes para ayudar a garantizar que las compañías no continúen comercializando productos fraudulentos con un nombre diferente o en otro sitio web.
Los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) dicen que su mejor defensa contra el coronavirus es:
Lavarse las manos con frecuencia con agua y jabón durante al menos 20 segundos. Si no hay agua y jabón disponibles, use un desinfectante para manos con base de alcohol. Siempre lávese las manos con agua y jabón si las manos están visiblemente sucias.
Evite tocarse la cara, especialmente los ojos, la nariz y la boca, con las manos sin lavar.
Evite el contacto cercano con personas que están enfermas.
Quédese en casa cuando esté enfermo.
Cubra su tos o estornude con un pañuelo desechable, luego tírelo a la basura.
Limpie y desinfecte los artículos y las superficies que se tocan con frecuencia con un spray o paño de limpieza doméstico. Siga las recomendaciones de CDC para usar una mascarilla.
Los CDC no recomiendan que las personas que están bien usen una mascarilla para protegerse de enfermedades respiratorias, incluidos el COVID-19.Las personas que muestran síntomas de COVID-10 deben usar mascarillas para ayudar a prevenir la propagación de la enfermedad a otras personas.
El uso de mascarillas también es crucial para los trabajadores de la salud y las personas que cuidan a alguien en entornos cercanos (en el hogar o en un centro de atencion médica).
Manténgase informado. Para obtener más información sobre el coronavirus, visite la página de preguntas frecuentes de los CDC. Visite la FDA para aprender sobre el desarrollo y la aprobación de tratamientos para el coronavirus.
Si tiene la tentación de comprar un producto no probado o uno con declaraciones cuestionables, consulte primero con su médico u otro profesional de la salud.
jueves, 5 de marzo de 2020
The Real Florida℠ Connection – Springs and Springtime
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Leon County COVID-19 Operational Update
As the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to evolve and spread, Leon County Emergency Management is committed to actively monitoring the disease and coordinating preparedness efforts with local health officials, healthcare providers, first responders, and other critical emergency response functions. Now is the time for everyone in Leon County to stay informed and stay prepared for any occurrence of COVID-19 or other respiratory illness.
While no cases of COVID-19 have been reported in Leon County, and while the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has ruled Florida an area of low risk, now is the best time for residents and businesses to prepare.
Further operational updates will be provided as conditions change and experts advise.
Leon County’s Emergency Management Role
During the COVID-19 public health emergency, the Florida Department of Health is the lead agency and County Emergency Management serves in support of the local health experts.
Like with H1N1 swine flu (2009), Ebola (2014), and the Zika virus (2016), County Emergency Management serves as the coordinating and command liaison between our local Florida Department of Health and the many local and state agencies who help prepare and respond, such as law enforcement, schools, universities, tourism, and more. Like with previous communicable diseases, the Florida Department of Health is the lead agency at both the state and local levels, and health officials will be providing guidance and public information messaging at every stage.
Beginning on Jan. 21, County Emergency Management staff began close coordination with the Florida Department of Health and other healthcare experts. Building on that coordinating role, Emergency Management now:
Convenes regular coordinating calls with K-12 school, university, healthcare, and emergency response representatives to ensure continuity of operations and information exchange;Stands ready to activate the Emergency Operations Center to assist health experts in coordinating any public health emergency response, similar to the efforts before and after a natural disaster; Provides expert operational guidance across 18 different emergency support functions in support of the Florida Department of Health in Leon County’s operations and response; Receives regular statewide and local briefings on the developing situation; Coordinates joint information and messaging to ensure accurate, vetted, and unified messaging on COVID-19 and disease transmission.
Stay Informed
In coordination with the Florida Department of Health in Leon County, the County recommends the following sources to assist with community mitigation and preparedness. While health experts are working around the clock to learn more about COVID-19, you can also stay informed as new information becomes available.
Florida Department of Health: COVID-19 – This online State resource has critical information for travelers, residents, businesses, guidance for school administrators, and important personal preventative measures such as handwashing and hand sanitizer use. The website also reports the number of positive and presumed positive COVID-19 cases, as well as progress updates on COVID-19 testing. You can also reach the FDOH Call Center at (866) 779-6121 from Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to midnight.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: COVID-19 – CDC experts provide guidance for healthcare providers, emergency responders, and individuals. On the CDC’s website, you can find information on how COVID-19 spreads, the associated symptoms, suggested preventative measures, and more information on COVID-19 testing.
World Health Organization: COVID-19 – WHO experts produce quick, informative videos and infographics on COVID-19, specifically how to prevent transmission. Topics include when people should wear masks (only when someone is sick, and even then you should still stay home and isolate), frequently asked questions, and situation reports from around the globe. Notably, on Feb. 28, the World Health Organization issued a “very high” global risk assessment for this novel coronavirus.
Leon County Schools: COVID-19 – Local resource from Leon County Schools that references important information and provides parents and students with important updates.
Download the Leon County Citizens Connect Mobile Application – Relaunched in 2017, the Leon County Citizens Connect app puts timely emergency notifications at your fingertips through push notifications on your smartphone or other device. Be the first to know of any emergency management messaging or service changes by downloading the app on the Apple Store or the Google Play Store.
Take Action to Stay Prepared
Now is the time to be ready and reflect on your personal preparedness and plans. At this time, experts do not recommend social distancing or isolating yourself unless you are sick or suspect transmission. To remain well, practice good hygiene measures like washing your hands and using hand sanitizer with an alcohol content of 60 percent or greater. Also, it is not too late in the season to receive a flu vaccine, as recommended by the CDC. Getting sick back-to-back (from flu and another respiratory illness such as COVID-19) can be severely challenging. Mitigate your risk now.
According to the CDC, the most effective ways to prevent transmission of not only COVID-19 but any respiratory illness is to avoid being exposed by washing your hands and cleaning regularly used surfaces (more info can be found here).
For information about handwashing, see CDC’s HandwashingFor information specific to healthcare, see CDC’s Hand Hygiene in Healthcare Settings. These are everyday habits that can help prevent the spread of several viruses. CDC does have specific guidance for travelers.
For local businesses, the CDC also recommends the following guidance to prevent workplace exposures to acute respiratory illnesses in non-healthcare settings. These guidelines discuss sick leave, doctor’s notes, telecommuting and other considerations.
Also, if you are a business owner, please consider posting proper handwashing posters and signs in your bathroom locations to encourage good hygiene.
Continue to follow www.LeonCountyFL.gov/eip for any local updates or changes to services.
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